Mac Format Magazine

Mac Format Magazine Mac Format Magazine Mac Format Magazine Mac Format Magazine Alt Text
Mac Format Magazine
Mac Format Magazine
Mac Format Magazine
Mac Format Magazine
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Subscription: 13 issues per year | Language: English | Country: United Kingdom

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Subscription to Mac Format Magazine

Mac Format Magazine is the UK's best-selling publication for home Mac users, providing in-depth reviews and expert guidance on all things Apple. A subscription to Mac Format ensures you stay updated with the latest advancements in the Apple ecosystem, including Macs, iPads, and Apple's own suite of applications.

This subscription offers the print version of Mac Format Magazine in English, delivered directly to your door. Published 13 times a year, each issue is packed with comprehensive reviews of new Apple products, insightful tutorials, and evaluations of the latest third-party software and accessories compatible with Mac. Whether you're a seasoned Mac enthusiast or a new user, Mac Format helps you make the most of your Apple devices.

What to expect in every issue:

  • In-depth reviews of the latest Macs, iPads, and Apple applications like iPhoto, iMovie, and GarageBand.
  • Guidance on maximizing the potential of your Mac and OS X.
  • Evaluations of the newest third-party software and accessories.
  • Reviews of the latest iPad and iPhone apps for iOS users.


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